The list of toppings for these little cupcakes are endless, I made cappuccino ones, vanilla ones (which are pictured), you could nutella them and put chocolate frosting on them, I think I may go make another batch so I can actually do that right now! So whatever tickles your fancy , do it! These are super versatile :)
100g butter, 150g caster sugar, 2 eggs, 1tsp vanilla , 125ml milk, 25g cocoa, 2tsp baking powder and 175g plain flour
Preheat the oven to 180C and pop 12 really cute cupcake cases in a tin.. right your set!
With a handheld beater beat the sugar and butter until light and fluffy, and beat in the eggs one by one until well mixed. Beat in the vanilla and milk. Then lightly stir in the cocoa, baking powder and flour until just mixed. Spoon into the cupcake cases (about 2 thirds full) and bake for 18mins. Pop onto a wire rack to cool and get super imaginative with the toppings!!